Wednesday, October 30, 2013


This week, I ended up thinking a lot about my project again.  I struggled really hard to think of ways for the pieces format on paper to reflect its content, and I wonder if perhaps the reason I have trouble with it is because I created a piece that isn't trans genre in the way this assignment may have required.  On the other hand, I'm still very proud of my creation, so I hope all the heart  I put into it still comes across in the writing.

I suppose the problem I now can see with the piece is that it's ultimately something of a standard narrative.  The story just follows a fictional character around from a first person perspective as he goes about a small chapter of his long ling life story, and while I tried to make that story as novel unique and original as possible, many of the strangest pieces we've studied in this class have eschewed formal narrative in the traditional sense, rather attempting more surreal and discordant forms of conveying messages through writing.  I worry that my favoritism for traditional narrative may continue to handicap me as I continue the class.

However, I do enjoy the touches I was able to come up with.  The Reaper character is a concept I created a year ago, based on the concept of what would drive someone with power over death to do the things that death is typically portrayed as doing.  Why would he appear at someone's bedside when it's their time.  To that end, I based it on an idea that omniscience changes a man so much, he's hardly a man any more, and would do things that the rest of us would think crazy.  The omniscience is what i hope really sets the character apart from other characters in first person traditional narratives.

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